Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Philippine's Nationwide Holidays 2014

This morning I was looking for some deals for airfares. Then suddenly I thought of looking for the Holidays and observances for the year 2014. I found out from Official Gazette that the Malacañang Palace published already. So here are the dates:

January 1, 2014, Wednesday – New Year’s Day (Regular Holiday)
January 31, 2014, Friday – Chinese New Year (Special non-working day)
February 25, 2014, Tuesday – EDSA Revolution anniversary (Holiday for all schools)
April 9, 2014, Wednesday – Araw ng Kagitingan (Regular Holiday)
April 17, 2014 – Maundy Thursday (Regular Holiday)
April 18, 2014 – Good Friday (Regular Holiday)
April 19, 2014 – Black Saturday (Special non-working day)
May 1, 2014, Thursday – Labor Day (Regular Holiday)
June 12, 2014, Thursday – Independence Day (Regular Holiday)
August 21, 2014, Thursday – Ninoy Aquino Day (Special non-working day)
August 25, 2014, Monday – National Heroes Day (Regular Holiday)
November 1, 2014, Saturday – All Saints Day (Special non-working day)
November 30, 2014, Sunday – Bonifacio Day (Regular Holiday)
December 24, 2014, Wednesday – Additional special non-working day (Special non-working day)
December 25, 2014, Thursday – Christmas Day (Regular Holiday)
December 26, 2014, Friday – Additional special non-working day (Special non-working day)
December 30, 2014, Tuesday – Rizal Day (Regular Holiday)
December 31, 2014, Wednesday – Last day of the year (Special non-working day)
*Separate proclamations will be issued for the observance of Eid’l Fitr and Eidul Adha

Enjoy plotting and planning your vacation and trips. Have fun!

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